Copyright © 2019 Jeanne M. Pelletier, Esq.

The materials on this web site may be considered advertising under the rules of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. This web site does not provide legal advice, and is for general informational purposes only. The information offered on this site or other linked sites is not intended to create, nor does it create, an attorney-client relationship. Do not act upon any information in this site without first obtaining legal or other professional advice.

Jeanne Pelletier is a sole practitioner providing legal assistance in Wills and Trusts, Real Estate, Non-Profit Organizations, and Historic Preservation matters.

Centrally located in Boston’s South End, the firm is dedicated to providing effective legal solutions at reasonable rates. Ms. Pelletier brings almost 30 years’ experience working with families, individuals, non-profits, corporations, and small and growing businesses.

Much of our work is done on a fixed-fee basis to encourage active communication and assure predictability. To accommodate busy schedules, Ms. Pelletier is happy to meet with clients during evening and early morning hours as well as regular business hours.

The Law Office of Jeanne M. Pelletier, Esq.

4 Pelham Terrace

Boston, MA 02118

T: 617-859-7193
